Saturday, March 04, 2006

Time: 1:00 a.m.
Date: 05 March 2006
Venue: home

There are a lot of things in life we cannot force, that includes the perceptions, attitudes and behaviours of others.

Though changing their mindset is beyond our control, there are still certain things that we can do to reduce the negative impact and influence their thinking positively.

It about knowing how people think, why did they think that way and how we can influence their thinking positively.

This is exactly what PR is all about. But who in this world actually knows what is PR? Who can define it in layman’s term, so everybody can understand its importance.

For many spoon-fed babies, all they need to do, is to say, “I want this this this, I want that that that” and the things will be given to them or done up nicely for them. this is something I’m deadly against, overly-protective parents.

Maybe it is easy to look at things and pass remarks like this from an outsider’s point of view, but I’ve been telling myself, if ever one day my child gets caned or punished in school, I will call up the school, not to confront the teachers who did it, but to thank them. because if my child has done something really nasty that he or she deserves caning, then I would really thank the teachers for helping me shape up his or her discipline. Everything in life has to be of a certain discipline and commitment. I’ll give a few examples. Every morning, all of us fight the “sleeping bug” so we can wake up on time. Then we rush ourselves to squeeze into every single train that we can catch, even though there is only space for half of your body size. You try to push everybody in. Then only to realize everybody gives you that sickening look and make the “TSK TSK” sound. This really embarrasses you. You wish that you could just dig a hole and hide your bright-red flushed face inside.

But who can help it?

This are the realities of life. Who would want to squeeze a train, only to bring discomfort to themselves and the other passengers? Who would not want to drive to work everyday if they can afford it?

So if you are one of the people who always “TSK TSK TSK” at others, think about yourself. They are trying to get to work on time, just like you and me. I believe none of us would want to be late.

Ya, so coming back, I went back for SJ training again today. As in I meant 04 March 2006. then I heard to the argument that Vincent and Yan Hsiang had.

So I decided to hold a mini survey session for them to speak their minds. Through the sharing and criticizing of one another, I think they more or less have aired their views. They themselves also know how much weight they have. So they were fully aware that some of the “screw-ups” in SJ is due to their fault.

But they have raised one very important point. That is SJ is not really united, because of one thing:

Officers are biased.

They even name some of the officers. One of them, unfortunately, is Kenneth. Of course I stood up for him. But not in a very obvious way.

But they know the exact reasons why we are biased.

Simply put, “if a cadet comes for training and show enthusiasm, it would be very hard not to notice him/her.”

And if you apply this rule to a cadet who portrays a negative personality, it would be, “if you are not interested in SJ, everything you do, you’ll do it half-heartedly and people will still notice you and remembers you, even. But for the wrong things you’ve done”

So when it comes to a time where a character reference or a recommendation for promotions or competitions, your name would naturally not be there if you haven’t been putting in effort in normal training. So how can an officer still be as objective? It’s impossible.

Once you qualify a person as “shit” then most likely when you see the person, you think of shit, when you see shit, you think of that person. Simple and easy.

But overall, I believe in most officers as not being biased, including Kenneth and Sir Derrick. I won’t say I’m not biased, but I’m trying my best to stay objective in every matter that I’m dealing with.

Just a quote to end off,

“When faced with outsiders, we unite together, putting on a strong front, letting them think that our hearts beat as one. But when there is no one to gang up against, you form groups. And the bigger groups will discriminate against the smaller groups. When the world gets smaller and smaller, you will realise, the last one left to criticise and discriminate, is yourself.”


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