loner's heaven
Friday, March 30, 2007
Probably the same time next month will be me leaving the department.
Seriously am a bit sad about it. She bought chocolates and shared with the rest... also made a nice little 'souvenir'-like thing for everybody. So damn sad that she's leaving.
Ok, I got to pull myself together. I can't go to work like that. Ok. I'm going to work hard. damn hard. so that I can temporarily take my mind off her. The feeling's different this time.
It's the same feeling I got when "she" left me the last time round.
So officially she's leaving now and the thought that I'll probably never see her again just made me sad. Will post a photo of the souvenir she made the next time round.
but really very sad. so damn sad.
bye, girl. I'll remember you...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The time on my watch reads, “12.10”, which means this chap has been bleeding for the past 10 minutes.
“Oh my god, he’s never going to make it” I said.
The call centre had informed us of an accident 10 minutes earlier at
Upon arrival, we saw the man unconscious in a pool of blood; his right arm had come off and was lying on the grass patch nearby. My colleague went over to pick up the severed arm.
I tried to stop the bleeding from the right arm socket. Blood was seeping through the layers of bandage on the wound. His lips were turning from white to purple. His pulse and breathing was getting weaker by the second.
When his heartbeat finally came to a stop, Charles, performed Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on him.
“One and two and three and four and five!” he counted as he did compressions on the casualty’s chest.
“You mustn’t die!” Charles shouted. I noticed that he was cracking. Tears were welling up in his eyes as he continued to do the compressions. I could understand how helpless he felt. Time is running out.
12 minutes into the resuscitation effort and the casualty was still showing no signs of recovery. A few minutes later, Sergeant Othman announced the guy dead. Our efforts to save the guy proved to be futile. He died of excessive bleeding.
“Alright, Charles. Stop the CPR. He’s dead.” Sgt. Othman told Charles.
“No… NO!” Charles shouted as I dragged him away.
“Get a HOLD of yourself, Charles!” I grabbed him by the collar. “He’s dead!”
Charles finally broke down and burst into tears.
“He was still breathing when we arrived, didn’t he?” he questioned, unwilling to accept the fact. “Why did he die?”
I suppose it was too much to handle for a rookie.
I pat his back, “Come on, brother. Let’s go back”
Reporters were arriving as we packed up our stuffs.
“We have tried our best.”
Ong Shen Yang (0433419)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
If my life were to be shot into a movie, it would definitely be the worst movie ever. You won't believe what's happening to me. Well, I can't believe it myself, not to mention you.
Ok. I haven't seen 'the receptionist'-turned-'HR assistant' for a few days and frankly speaking, I really do miss her. Anyway, got a call from Jolin. She's asking me to come for her concert and she'll sing for me.
Ey. wait. It should be my ex-gf Jolin, not Jolin Tsai. haha. blur.
ok. so back to Jolin. she was saying like her chalet's coming soon, on her birthday, ask me wanna go anot... then got her bf and friends...
One thing. when girls talk to me, normally they will not say too much at first. but later then they will tell me more about themselves as we talked.. somehow I always asked the right questions and that almost always lead to them talking about their boyfriends.
one thing. When girls are talking to you and they start to talk about their boyfriends, it's not a bad thing. Ok, "What people say and what they really mean" part three. Was there even a part two in the first place? I couldn't careless.
The moment the girl 'brings out' her boyfriend, it means something. Two situations;
1. She's reminding you that she has a boyfriend and it's time you should stop ur fantasizing of rolling about with her on the.... ok.
2. She's at the same time, reminding herself that she has a boyfriend. Bingo. you hit the G-spot. ok. maybe not that far yet. But you've activated the B-button. The 'Boyfriend-panic' button. Lots of time there isn't much opportunities to talk to a girl. She'll only mention about her boyfriend when she feels that u have special feelings for her.
Now, there's only two things to do from here;
1. Sit down and cry, then forget about her and go somewhere else, only to find any girls who's attached and sit down and cry and find another girl and sit down and cry, then repeat the whole thing again....
2. Alternatively, you can try something less cumbersome, but slightly more evil, that is... to be the torn in the boyfriend's eye... (poke his eye, make him blind. Not literally, of course.) Be the ultimate tester of their relationship. Stay by the side of the girl, make the boy uncomfortable.
In a relationship, there are bound to be chances where they will quarrel. and if u're really good, the girl will confide in you. As time goes by, as she's willing to share more things with you, u'll realise. U have become her good friend!
so what to do? sit down and cry again?
stand up, be a man. tell her u can be better than her bastardous boyfriend.
tell her to go and die if need be, (but make sure she doesn't do so.) Flash out the hard words if necessary.
Make sure she doesn't treat you as a trash bag, where she'd dump all the unhappy memories of her and her BF and keep all the memories inside her. Make her bring it all out. When she's sad, talk about all the happy times she spent with her Boyfriend!
Make her see the difference when her BF is good-tempered and how he has changed when he quarrelled with her. Haha. Evil. Ok. Remember. Don't hard sell yourself.
Girls like to make decisions. Show them the options. let them make the choice. But remember not to show too much about urself, otherwise, she'll noe. and she'll probably still go back to that stinky skunk faster than u even noe it.
yup. so that's basically about it.
one more thing... the xiao mei mei in my office is going off soon... if you go to the previous post, u can actually see there's one photo we took together on a vessel.
Ok, I kind of like cannot bear her to leave lei.. the feeling's very strange. It feels as if we're nv going to see each other. She's staying in the East. going into TP. so there's practically 0% chance that I'll be seeing her ever again. anyway so sad.
She talked alot to other people one lo. but she nv talk alot to me. like we are both tongue-tied when we see each other. I am lost because I think I dunno what to say la. scared later say wrong thing then she dun like me.
Today finally got a chance to eat lunch with her, well. there was another colleague. so there's like three of us. after eating, went to Starbucks. Then she sit opposite me and "fa dai" she was like staring into my eye and I was staring at her for quite a while.
As usual, the chick magnet release his magnetism... hehe. when she realised that I was staring at her, she smiled (even though not as sweet as the killer smile from the receptionist, but still can cause Diabetes). Well, of course, my colleague was damn paiseh. like light bulb. haha.
Ok. So I decided maybe I shouldn't inject too much emotion. I broke the eye contact.
I BROKE the contact! oh my god. ok. fine. I FJ myself, cannot blame others.
Anyway, I'm really sad that she's leaving. Really.
But after watching the following video... I felt worse. Cos not even Koda Kumi could cheer me up.
*Sad, sad.
Online Videos by Veoh.com
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Part-time Receptionist + Lift Trap = Great start for the morning (you can even do away with breakfast)
“First storey, going up”. Same old thing. I I really wish to see how the owner of this voice looks like in person. It’s Monday again. A little sleepy, eyes are closing. I scanned my access card and pressed the button for the 17th floor. The doors were about to close when it opened again. As I looked up and was about to say “Who the f*ck pressed the goddamn button…?!”, ‘the replacement receptionist’ walked in.
My eyes opened. Trying to keep my cool, I said, “Hi, morning.” (Ok, this sounds stupid cos it’s as if her name is ‘morning’)
She said, “Hi!” (killer smile again)
Soft as a marshmallow I would say. The smile would even melt the hardest stone on earth. I’m so happy to see her in the morning. Really made my day. Somehow, I could sense that this feeling is mutual. She’s delighted to see me, I’m happy to see her. Haha.
But after saying ‘Hi’ there was like silence for about 4 or 5 seconds. We’re already reaching the 11th Floor and in another like 5 seconds, the lift door would open at the 17th floor and I’ll have to get out. Damn. I’m determined to talk to her. But what can I say?!?!?!?
She looking up at the display screen as most as if hinting, “talk to me, you ah toot. We’re reaching the 17th floor!” What should I ask her?! I decided to say something, even though it might be stupid or what. I broke the silence. “So…” She looked at me. Oh no, what to say now?! Shit. “Erm, which department are you with now?” by this time, my heart was already in my mouth and I kept my mouth shut in case it’ll fall out.
“Oh, I’m with the HR department now.” She said with a smile. Does she know it’s a sin to own such a captivating smile? Can you stop flashing at me with your smile?!
But one thing I realised, she looks cute even without smiling. Hehe. Ok. Maybe it’s just me.
I have to reply. So I said, “Oh, that’s on the 18th floor. I’m having two meetings there later.” (sounding as if I will definitely see her or what)
“Ya, you booked the room with me, remember?” *smiles*
Aaarrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!!!! Stop smiling!!!!!!!!!
“17th storey.” The voice came on again. Damn. Not now!
The doors are about to open and I have to bring a beautiful ending to our conversation, instead of the “Ok, I’m here. Bye!” and leave when the door opens.
So I said, “Oh ya, I forgot. Getting old. (she laughed)” She laughed at my joke! Ok, that was technically a joke, and it’s a lame one at that).
“So, yup. There we go. The 17th floor.” Try to come up with a line, stupid. End off beautifully!
“Ok, so I’ll see you when I see you. Enjoy your day!” I said in the tone like as if she’s my girlfriend and I was the astronaut in Armageddon, who was about to leave planet Earth in the space shuttle, going to sacrifice himself by going into space and destroy the asteroid that was about to hit Earth.
“You too”. Again, smiles. I feel so weak all over again as I walked out of the lift and approached the front door.
By this time, the lift door was wide open.
“Bye!” I said.
“See you”. What did she just say? She said ‘see you’! Means she is looking forward to seeing me! Haha. Ok, girl. For this request of yours and in order not to disappoint you, I’ll make sure I see you. Haha.
Bye… *muacks!* hahaha. Ok. That’s spastic.
Oh yes, did I mention that her orange V-neck top was a bit distracting?
Saturday, March 17, 2007
To realise the value of ONE YEAR, ask the student who has failed a grade.
To realise the value of ONE MONTH, ask the mother of a premature baby.
To realise the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realise the value of ONE DAY, ask the labourer who has children to feed.
To realise the value of ONE HOUR, ask the couple who are waiting to meet after a long separation.
To realise the value of ONE MINUTE, ask the fucker who did not let her student take a photo for us.
Yes, the fuck-head who openly ordered her student to not take a photo for us. Out of politeness, she should have apologised. But no. It was a curt "We've got no time! Don't take anymore photos". Hey, wait a minute, fuckhole. It's your student's perogative to be helpful and it's definitely not under your purview to take away that helpful student from us.
Tell me about how disciplined and good you can be... what you're leaving all the shit that you have eaten behind, at a common study place. Right outside the General Office. Whatever it is, I've got proof to this, fuckin' shit. This is definitely not the place where you can fool around with us.
To be fair, our Choir's not that bad. But it's not that good either. Maybe you can record your own singing and cut an album, then bring it overseas. Name it "Scare-crows no more". Know why? Play it at the farm and birds or crows would never drop by again to eat your crop. Cos you know what, your singing sucks. S-U-C-K. Suck.
Ok, so I did a blog search and found their blog. View it at ur own risk. When you view it, you might feel that you face would get closer and closer to the screen, cos the blog is just like its people. They suck. Yes. Worse than the suckers of an octopus. Worse than the vacuum cleaner lying in your store room.http://kranjichoir.blogspot.com/
All and all, it's not only that. After these they finished eating their shit, they expect someone to clean up behind them! Oh my goodness. How old are you? Kindergarten? Primary school (Lower primary at that!)? Are you guys even worth funding for their activities? Ms Principal. What are you think of? Funding all these people who doesn't even know how to clean up after themselves?
Ok, I guess a picture paints a thousand words.

I've got nothing personal against your CCA, Kranji Choir.
Show some discipline, at least. Otherwise, please disband.
Ok, enough for this shit. Here're some more photos, which would lighten the mood...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Girls are pouring into the company. Yes. 'Pouring in' at an alarming rate. It's not as if the company is already full of ladies...
Anyway, the general receptionist of the company took leave for a few days la, so there was this part-timer who took over her place.
So the story of me and the receptionist all started on one fine day.... which was yesterday, essentially....
*Ring Ring*
"Hi, Corporate Comms... Shen Yang Speaking"
"Hey... Hi... This is Melissa here from the 18th floor, receptionist"
"Oh, hi. (trying to recover from my shock because I thought the receptionist was supposed to be someone else. And this lady sounded younger too! haha.)" I gathered my breath and uttered the words in some funny accent, which sounded like a British; "What's up?"
"Erm, there's a parcel for (name) do you think she's around?"
"Well, I'm afraid she's not... Maybe I'll collect it on her behalf?"
"Sure. See you in a while."
'See you in a while'. YES! haha. she's looking forward to seeing me! hahahahaha.
Ok. Let's name this chapter, "What people say and what they really mean. (PART 2)". haha.
So technically, it didn't take "a while", because I didn't even wait for the lift. I sped up the emergency stairs to see the new "receptionist". haha.
As I walked on the wooden tiled floor, the sound of the shoes knocking against the floor. But something was louder, it was the sound of my heart beating.
Ok, brace yourself. The receptionist's counter is just round the bend. Could it be another "voice-sweet-but-fugly-monster-faced" case? Or maybe... There was no time for maybe. Before I realised it, I was already standing in front of the reception counter.
Face-to-face. Eye-to-eye. There she is! cute face, nice figure. best of all, all smiles looking at my direction. haha. ;P
Ok. Now, for the pick-up line.
I've made the eye-contact. Any corny or cheesy pickup line would land me in the "Never give your hp number to this guy" category.
"Hi..." I said.
"Hi!" she sounded a bit excited, which I never understood why.
"Well... Ok... So... Have you had lunch?" I totally forgot why I was up here.
"Well, it's only 11.30 in the morning and I don't suppose you had yours too?" She asked politely, even though it sounded like she had used a needle and pricked my butt.
Checkmate. Right... She's a tough nut to crack.
Shall I give up?
No way. Giving up now would be a significant sign of weakness on my part. So I said, "Oh yes, so where's (name)'s parcel?"
"Oh, it's over here." She replied with probably the sweetest smile. Back with a killer smile, almost as if nothing has happened. Got to be careful with this 'sweet chili padi' here. haha
Then I looked at the parcels on the floor, "which one is it?" I asked.
she smiled again, "Oh, all of it". All of it. and you told me over the phone just now that it was only 'a parcel', you.... sweetie pie..... haha. can't bear to scold her.. anyway....
shit. she smile is so sweet and that pair of eyes could almost pierce through you and electrocute you at 1,000 kWh. But it seems like everytime she smiles, there'll be something bad following after. In this case, is the parcel.
So I borrowed her desk phone and called my colleague and as usual, while waiting for my colleague, I talked to her la. haha. So she just finished A levels and will be working here till June la. haha.
The original receptionist coming back today...
Hope she'll be transferred to be with my department la. Haha. Anyway, just for your info, my department is full of people. In fact, it's flooding with people.
But I seriously don't mind sharing my desk with her, you know. haha. It's decent enough for two persons. haha. Ok.
Stop dreaming. Back to work now...
stop dreaming, damn it.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
It's all like another cliché soap drama. What's my life coming to?
Another typical scene from the Channel 8 drama:
The male protagonist was cleaning his cupboard when a black plastic bag fell onto the floor. He knew very well what it was. The precise reason why it was in a black plastic bag.
As he opened it, memories of the fateful past rushed back to his mind, bringing alive the frozen memories, once again. Back with almost a vengeance, to haunt him. All over again.
As he took out the stuffs inside, tears welled up in his eyes.

Mmm~ Just the right one, he thought. At night, he skipped dinner and packed a meal at Long John Silver, (at that time, it was still situated on the first level), before he rushed over to take bus 307 to his girl's house. "Bao Bei, I'm here already". Happily, she met him at the designated time. "This is for you...." said the boy as he presented the teddy to her. "And this is for us..." he took out the baby gloves and Long John Silver's meal.
"One day our baby will be saying this to us, bao bei." the boy told her. The girl just smiled. They spent the night just finishing the meal and spending whatever little time that they have together.

Even as now they're not together now, he wishes her best in everything that she does and hopes that she can find her happiness in her new boy. Even as she has left his life for so long, he's still living in denial.
Their story started on the 11th of February 2002 and ended in August 2004...
bought a new bluetooth dongle, can finally upload my photos le! haha
Here are all the photos...

Of Course, as usual. Pretty girls. haha.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
What people say…and what they actually mean…
Episode one
The other day I was in the pantry, making
“Actually that one belongs to me”… meaning, “That’s mine, don’t even touch it”.
So as the usual polite boy, I apologised.
“Never mind, that’s alright. We can share”…meaning “Ok, U’ve used mine this time round. The next time it’s your turn to buy a new one”
I apologised again.
“No, no. It’s ok. You didn’t use much anyway.”… meaning “don’t use too much if you didn’t pay for it. If you want to use more, buy it yourself!”
I said, “Oh, ok”…meaning “I’ll take your words for it, minus the pun.”
So till today, I’m still using it, without paying. Haha.
Episode two
I was chatting with “short-skirt” online the other day la. So bored. Then I was asking her if she was free. Then maybe like we can have dinner together or something, haven’t seen her for so long, even though she might not be wearing short-skirts anymore, cos now she’s working in an office. Haha. Ok. Work in office also can wear short-skirts one right.
Anyway, we were chatting la. So I asked if she’s free. I haven’t told her that I want to ask her out la. I just asked if she’s free.
Then she said “yes…what’s up?”… meaning “Ya, I’m free. Are you trying to date me…?”
I said, “oh, nothing.”…meaning “Ok, I’m up to something, but I dun wanna let you know just yet”
Then I added, “aren’t you busy?”… meaning “ok, ok. I’m dating you out…”
She said, “not really…usually in the first two weeks of the month, we’re not that busy”…Meaning “It’s a hint, stupid. I’m available for you to date me anytime during the first 2 weeks of the month! (might mean something else, if you’re lucky)”
So I replied, “Ok… today’s the 8th, does that mean you’ll be able to leave the office at 6 pm?”…meaning, “I’ll see you at 6, at your office building, babe.”
She said, “ya…why? You wanna ask me out for dinner?”…meaing “Ok, I give up… I’ll ask you out instead of you dropping hints all over and not directly asking!”
I said, “Sure… why not?”…meaning “Ok la, I’ll entertain you for a while…”
I also said, “Anyway, my mum’s not cooking dinner tonight…” meaning… “I’ll call home later to tell my mum that I’m not coming home to eat, or maybe even not coming home to sleep. =P”
Ok. So we went to eat at Lau Pasat, had satay and the usual stuffs, fried, steamed (steamed, o.O?!), cooked food, basically. Haha. Then we were talking like… and she asked… “so……” she paused for a moment, as I looked up at her, before she continued. “are you attached?”
I almost choked on my satay meat. What do you mean am I attached? And asking that question was more random than having an aeroplane come crashing down on Lau Pasat. Somehow I managed to calm myself down and mustered the strength to utter the words out from my throat, “Erm… no… why?”
She let out a slight grin and I could see it from the corner of her lips. “nothing. Just asking” Maybe she’s happy, I dunno. Haha. See. The chick magnet has not gone weak after all! Hahahahahaha….
And I asked, “what about you?”. “Nope.” She said.
“Why? Are you les?” I asked again. Her eyes widened and kicked me in the shin. “no la, stupid!” like how a girl would throw tantrums at her boyfriend.
Ok, ok. I got her all excited.
Cool it, girl.
Then for the rest of the night was just like… basically staring into each others’ eyes and flirting with each other la, chit-chatting. No one made any obvious move to go over the boundary.
I offered to send her home and she agreed too, without any hesitation.
THEN… came the time we reached her block. Ok, what to do now?! I’ve not like sent a girl home for so long, that I don’t know how to end here… Erm… like say good bye and then turn and go? Like some old school hero movies, show a few scenes of me turning and don’t look back? Haha. Ok, seriously, I’m lost, can. I hit the button for the lift and watched as the indicator blinked from the 18th floor closer and closer to the 1st floor.
I said, “So…” I paused and took a deep breath. Just as I was thinking of what to say… she turned around and hugged me! She freaking HUGGED me!
Ok, I’m defeated. I went soft. Well… not exactly soft… erm… haha.
Ok, ok. If you’re under 18, please leave now. If you’re over 18, no point continuing reading the story, cos there’s nothing sexual. Haha.
“Thanks for everything tonight” she whispered into my ears. I hate it when people do that, cos it makes me speechless. Lucky she didn’t do anything else… to my ears, at least.
“Well, not at all. In fact, it’s nothing great. It’s just a few satays and some fried rice…”…I felt like saying, “can you please release me now, I’m suffocating…”
“No, no. It’s been great being with you.” she said. I guess it must have been the earthquake in her office that must have shocked her. I never thought we would ever be in this state tonight, holding each other right under her block.
“Ok, it’s late, babe” I purposely added in the word ‘babe’ and made it sound jokingly unserious. “time to go back and sleep”. It was then when she finally let go of her hands and I was about to go into hyperventilation from the hugging.
As gentlemanly possible, I showed her the way to the lift, as if she’s like a stranger and it’s her first time visiting her flat. I don’t want to get into the lift, because I’m sure whatever that will happen. Just like me and Jia Min the other time.
“Aren’t you going to see me up?” she asked.
Alright. She’s dropping hints for me to enter the trap, or lift, rather. No way am I getting in there and make ‘that mistake’. Cleverly, I told her. I said, “Well, I’d loved to. But to be very frank with you, I’ve got to start running after I say good bye when this lift door closes, to catch the last bus home…otherwise…”
I was stopped once again as she got out of the lift and gave me a peck on the cheeks.
“Good night” she said. I froze.
This is too drama. Like hello. Am I watching a drama or wat. I won’t pay a single cent to watch a lousy movie with a sucky story plot like this shit. But it’s happening to me! Wat the..
I watched as the lift door closes, trying to recover from my shock.
Then the vibrations from the phone came. It was an SMS from her. “Thanks for everything and hope you’ve enjoyed your evening too! Sweet dreams and good night. Hope to see you again soon.”
I looked at my watch, realising I was late. I ran like mad and managed to catch the last bus. But when the bus got to Bukit Batok Interchange, there was no more connecting bus home. So I walked home lo.
Scenes of whatever happened earlier on kept replaying in my head. I still can’t believe whatever that was happening.
Was it a beautiful dream or a nightmare?
I don’t know. But I know for sure, I’ll be having a good dream tonight. Hehe.