Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The time on my watch reads, “12.10”, which means this chap has been bleeding for the past 10 minutes.

“Oh my god, he’s never going to make it” I said.

The call centre had informed us of an accident 10 minutes earlier at Choa Chu Kang Avenue. Immediately, we chucked our equipment into the ambulance and sped off.

Upon arrival, we saw the man unconscious in a pool of blood; his right arm had come off and was lying on the grass patch nearby. My colleague went over to pick up the severed arm.

I tried to stop the bleeding from the right arm socket. Blood was seeping through the layers of bandage on the wound. His lips were turning from white to purple. His pulse and breathing was getting weaker by the second.

When his heartbeat finally came to a stop, Charles, performed Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on him.

“One and two and three and four and five!” he counted as he did compressions on the casualty’s chest.

“You mustn’t die!” Charles shouted. I noticed that he was cracking. Tears were welling up in his eyes as he continued to do the compressions. I could understand how helpless he felt. Time is running out.

12 minutes into the resuscitation effort and the casualty was still showing no signs of recovery. A few minutes later, Sergeant Othman announced the guy dead. Our efforts to save the guy proved to be futile. He died of excessive bleeding.

“Alright, Charles. Stop the CPR. He’s dead.” Sgt. Othman told Charles.

“No… NO!” Charles shouted as I dragged him away.

“Get a HOLD of yourself, Charles!” I grabbed him by the collar. “He’s dead!”

Charles finally broke down and burst into tears.

“He was still breathing when we arrived, didn’t he?” he questioned, unwilling to accept the fact. “Why did he die?”

I suppose it was too much to handle for a rookie.

I pat his back, “Come on, brother. Let’s go back”

Reporters were arriving as we packed up our stuffs.

“We have tried our best.”

Ong Shen Yang (0433419)



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