So many things happened in the last two weeks, can vaguely remember some of the things I did, I think they are;
- Badminton
- POP Practice
- Swimming
- POP 2007 (23 June 2007)
- SJ Day 2007 (27 June 2007)
POP Practice - I don't really remember what are the happenings. But there's one incident I remember very clearly. Very funny. I was teaching the Sec 2s and Sec 1s about the "Bersu Rai!" Command.
The instructions were "If there is a flag, you'll salute once. Then if the commander is an officer, you salute again. Clear?"
They said, "Yes."
I replied, "Ok, let's practise to see if u really understand."
Then I give the command, they salute twice. Can die.
I asked "Am I officer?"
Then no reply. haha.
Then I ask again, "Am I officer?"
Then they say very softly... "No, Sir." haha. Damn funny. Call me "Sir", but I'm not officer. haha. I think my position in KSJ is very weird. Neither up nor down. Like the Sergeant in the army. Screw people, then the top people also screw up. damn jia lat. RSM is really a tough job.
Some more my role is those type of "Bao Ga Liao" RSM. Public Relations (PR) stuffs like speech-writing, newsletter, I also do. Discipline wise, I also do. haha. Two very different extremities, but I'm coping fine. Or maybe it looks fine, at least. In PR, image is very important. haha.
POP 2007 - Congrats to all who has got promoted and passed out. Thanks for all the things that you have done for us, the KSJ family. We'll remember you.
As Sir Derrick has mentioned before. The OTC would be next on the list for those who wants to come back and help. Ya, so please go for it. Don't ask me why I didn't go. I just didn't wanted to.
There are many things in life which we want to pursue. Maybe you might not want to commit urself first. But maybe u can come back as a senior NCO to help out first. Then maybe one day u might just want to go for the OTC. Well, u never know.
Coming back, The POP went on quite smoothly except for some screws-up here and there, but it's ok, I think Mr Kong, the GOH, didn't see it. After that, the cadets went up to the AVA room for "Ceremony" stuffs and performances.
Then Sir Derrick and Mr Kong was at the foyer talking. Can see that Mr Kong is quite impressed with KSJ. (Of course.) Well, the efforts that went into making this successful, was from none other than every single one of KSJ members la. It's supposed to be like a family celebration event.
After that we played games and then was running all over the schools, looking for envelopes and clues. Haha. Didn't actually get the game at first, because we found the other group's envelopes and then actually following their clues -_-'
Then Geraldine was like "Erm, why u all go and take other's clues?"
So we put back all the envelopes. Then we ran and ran again, can't really remember what we did, but we were the first to reach the last station, the fitness corner. Then they say must do Pull-up. Sian.
I only managed to do 6. haha. One more to attain Silver. But didn't want to do that much la. YongTing did 5. So we got 11 already. Ya, the required number was only 10. haha. Act Strong.
Then have to to log-raise, then lucky dun need to do Sit-up, just jump on top of the thing and then run over. Then do monkey bar, then do the body flip on the incline pull-up bar, then step on top of the individual logs and jump off the last one.
*Phew, lucky dun need to climb the Low Wall. haha. Otherwise, We'll all die.
Then.. Yeah! We were the first to finish the thing. Then got 5 bonus points. hehe. Then in the end, Tie with Ken's Group. Didn't really know what the prize was, just pass to Wei Ting and then ask her to distribute. Group 4 rocks, alright.
Not bad. I think even the Sec one Boy in our team, I think his name is Hon Man. Also quite sporting. Even though run until cannot run liao, still continue to jog a bit to catch up with us. See, we don't have officers, also can win the race. haha.
I hope to the juniors, it would be like seeing their elder brothers and sisters graduating from the KSJ Family. Also, I hope that they can use this as a form of inspiration for them. So that they will work hard.
The challenge for the cadets (Officers and Senior NCOs as well) is to make sure that the Corps continue to prosper with the new blood. Therefore, new knowledge has to continuous be drilled into the minds of the cadets.
I personally feel that during Sec One, it is more important to impart knowledge, not so much on the screwing. Of course, along the way, we make sure that they still maintain a certain level of discipline. A large part of the screwing can be left till about Sec two then we screw them. That's when we fine-tune their skills and knowledge.
By Sec three, of course, they will be invincible, or so, I hope.
SJ Day 2007
The alram clock rang at such an unusual timing, that I thought it was malfunctioning.
In fact, it wasn't.
It's been a really long time ever since I last woke up at 5.30am in the morning. Then did my preparations and took my bag, bid my mum and dad goodbye, before I stepped out of the house at 5.55am. I knew I was going to be late, but hell.
Reached CCK at about 6.10, Ken was already waiting there. Ok, sorry Ken.
Then we went to school, everyone was there in Full-U, getting ready for the big day. Then some of the late comers also joined us. Then we did sizing, Size already then discover that actually Yong Ting and Cheung Weng dun need to be the flag bearer.
But nevertheless, didn't do much adjustments to fit them into the squad. Heng Sia.
The squad was ready by about 6.30.
Then Ken gave the signal to "warm-up" the squad and our new CSM did 8 "Ke-kanan Pusing"s in one shot. Hai~ CSM ah CSM. Warm-up got many things can do one ma. haha.
But I dun blame her la. First time do such big things ma. Then it's quite ok la. Didn't have any screws-up, but only got one question. "Do you really have to shout into the Microphone?"
Haha. *Faint.
It's ok. As I said, First-timers, can forgive.
After that, took a Corps Photo at the Foyer, finally understood why Kranji, from a "not-so-neighbourhood Neighbourhood School", became a "Very-much-neighbourhood Neighbourhood School". But I shall not comment it here.
The problematic students in the school are increasing in numbers and they are indeed, problematic. I really pity the teachers. Vindictive students will never change.
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