Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sometimes a blog can cause so much problem, that you cannot say the things you want.

The internet is so huge and you have found corners to dump your unhappiness, a place to keep you happiness, a place to throw your tantrums, a place... you write about your live.

But somehow, some people cruelly dug up all your information and started spreading it around.

Imagine what it'll kill:

  1. Your budding love?
  2. Your friendship?
  3. Your job?
  4. Your family?
  5. Your cadet's perception of you?
  6. Your family ties?
  7. Your relationship with everyone around you?
  8. Or worse still... you.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

I've decided that this blog monitoring thing would come to a stop for me. I've deleted all the bookmarks from my comp.

I've stop visiting your blog.

So stop visiting mine.



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