Wednesday, April 18, 2007

How do I tell my son?
Earlier this morning, my almost five-year-old son and I were waiting at a red light on North Capitol Street in Washington, D.C., on our way to pre-school and work when my son noticed something.

"Look, mommy," Demetri shouted, "That flag is falling!"

"Actually," I responded, "That man is lowering the flag."

"Why is he doing that?"

"Well, sometimes the president asks everyone to lower their flags to show we care when something very sad happens to someone."

"Oh," Demetri said, "The president must have heard that I fell down and hurt myself at soccer practice yesterday."

"That must be it, my darling," I said, quickly changing the subject.

We live in Virginia and have been consumed by the Virginia Tech tragedy since Monday. But I have managed to keep the TV and radio news off when my son and I are together. We watched "Dancing with the Stars" Monday night and switched channels during the commercials as reporters came on the air with updates on the tragedy.

Last night, we went to soccer practice and watched "The Incredibles." Of course, you can't control everything. And when you least expect it, the truth smacks you in the face. That's what happened this morning.

-- By Virginia Nicolaidis, CNN Producer



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