Tuesday, September 05, 2006

on the 4th of September 2006, Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter, famous for his death defying encounters with th wildlife, died of an accident, when he was filming a new documentary, the deadliest of the ocean. news havesaid that he had been struck by a stingray, which the barb, a tail spine at the end of a stingray's tail, had pierced through his heart. the footage of his final moments were not released yet, and it might never be released. it was said by his close friend who watched it and described the whole scenario. the barb had pierced through his chest and he pulled it out. but after that, he just went stiff. a desperate 30-minute rush to the nearest help for medical attention was made but to no avail. Steve Irwin died on the 4th of September 2006.

I posted something which was a sort of rememberance thing for him online through a MSN website. how i wished he hears it. bu everything's too late now. RIP, Steve.

Steve Irwin, a legend, a hero, a wonderful husband, a fantastic father, a colourful son of Australia.

Whacky and humourous, death - cheating, are the usual words which are linked with him.

Forever will he be remembered this way. Steve Irwin.

'Crocs Rule' as he would always say.

I hope that his family would be strong. live on, continue to fulfil Irwin's wishes.

live on strongly.

Steve, We'll miss you.


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