Friday, November 28, 2008

Had some sudden feelings coming back at this hour of the night, jus realised how useful chinese words can be when it comes to expressing feelings...

So I wrote it down in words...


真 可 惜 我 不 是 你 生 命 里 的 最 后 那 男 人,
不 能 够 带 你 通 往 那 幸 福 的 那 一 扇 大 门。。。
我 们 的 爱 终 究 逃 不 过 命 运 摧 残 的 齿 轮,
最 放 不 下 的 还 是 你 那 让 人 心 碎 的 眼 神。。。
你 的 离 开 让 我 成 为 了 世 上 最 伤 心 的 人,
痛 苦 把 我 渐 渐 地 逼 向 了 那 绝 望 的 大 门。。。
挥 不 散 的 记 忆 却 一 直 在 我 的 眼 前 回 轮,
对 于 过 去 的 那 往 事 我 已 不 想 再 去 费 神,
"哎, 可惜呀, 我 已 不 是 你 生 命 里 的 那 男 人。。。"

This short poem describes how a guilty man feels after breaking up with his girlfriend, only to realise that he has not only lost what he loves most, but more importantly, the impact brought by the break up and how the past memories keeps on haunting him...

As he laments that he is no longer her loved one, he wishes to put behind his past and continue his life, even though he would still carry the sense of remorse and regret with him for the rest of his life......

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Just looking at her pics makes me happy... =)

My sleep was rudely interrupted by a sharp headache extending from the right back of my head extending all the way into the right ear drum.

Painful sia...

but anyway, it's crazy. I still went for the St John's training today.. finally finalised the newsletter and the website content. Only need to work on the back ground a little bit more.

The headache's really irritating the crap out of me...

Everything's going on quite well. but I really have a problem facing ah toot. tonight i dun think i'll be msg-ing her. better not.

somehow, I seem to have some problem dealing with my relationship with her. be it instructor-trainee, potential girlfriend, whatever.

wish this whole thing can come to an end soon. crap.

Just what did RSM say about not slinging your rifle like a guitar?

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