Thursday, May 24, 2007

I just realised, I’ve done writing in many forms but not in the persona if a non-living object. Ok, I shall start with my PSP.

My PSP’s views of me:

Every morning I’ll wake up at about 7.35am… That’s when he’s getting ready for work. Well, well. First up, I’ll be showing him the games on the Universal Media Disc (UMD), then he would always scroll to the MP3 column and selected the first song on the menu.

What?! Techno! Come On… “The Book Is On The Table” is like the really passé type of techno, man… Maybe I should mix up the menu, so he will listen to a new song. But given his lazy self, I suppose he can’t be bothered to scroll to his favourites, which is in the last few of the menu.

So he plays that Ah Beng Techno song, plugs the earpiece into his ears, then bids goodbye to his Dad and Mum. Locks the doors, pulls out his keys and goes down the stairs. The thing I hate about him is that he always puts me in the bag with his other documents; like files, work sheets, pencil box and the strange-looking green pencil box-like thing.

Then as he walks, everyone in the bag will be crashing into one another. “Ouch! That’s my toe!” I shouted.

Then the pencil box will shout back, “You don’t have a toe, remember?!”

Then I thought, “Ya, I really don’t have one!” But it’s ok, just stop crashing into me, man. Then suddenly, I feel something pressing against the bag. “I’m squashed….!” I shouted.

It’s him holding the bag closer to his body. “Oh nnnnnoooooo……!”

It’s too late. Everything starts crashing in all directions. “Thump!” “Thud!” “Boom!” Everything’s in a mess. What the hell’s happening?! Earthquake or what?!

Then I realised, he must have discovered that the train was arriving, so he had to make a dash for it. It must have been the case. It’s so dark in the bag and everything’s in a mess. I know it’s in a mess even though I can’t see anything. He should install some light in here, man!

Eventually he slows down. Must have boarded the train already. He opens up the bag and “AH…..!!!! It’s so bright!!!” The light is really blinding. Nevertheless, he took me out of the bag, stops the MP3 and starts the game, “Burnout Legends”.

Then it’s all the playing of games… Sometimes I really wonder, is he that good with a real car anot?

Suddenly the train jerks. “Ah…!!!” He let go both of his hands on me and I thought to myself. “I’m gonna die again?!?! Nnnooo!!”

The last time he dropped me from the washing machine down to the floor. Though the fall didn’t kill me, I was “hospitalized” at the repair shop for three weeks and I can guarantee you, it’s a place that any PSP would not want to be there.

Once you enter that place, it’ll scare the PSP out of you.

There’s like body parts everywhere and the technician is like some psycho serial killer going around dismembering PSPs.

Coming back… I’m still on the story of me falling from my owner’s hand. “Aaaahhhhh…….!!!!” I continue shouting. Suddenly, I feel a tug at the feet. It’s the PSP strap that Choon Siong gave him! Phew! It saved my life (and his money).

Full of surprises, I would say. Just when I thought I was about to die, I was saved.

Anyway, on the trip to his office, it’ll be such leisure. Sometimes I would see some of my cousins on the hands of other people, then occasionally I would see some hot pink PSP… “Whew, Whit!” I whistled. Hehe. “Hey Lady! How’re you?”

I suppose that’s the only same thing in common I have with my owner. We all like beautiful things. Hehe…


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