yes, this pic was taken during the ATC meeting. stupid looking hair.
wow! Ken! you've been helping out at the spastic children association is it?!

remember this cute little boy who was running about outside BK at Concourse? haha.

the ticket for drinks at M.O.S.

this is probably the one and only time i'm riding a bike.

the infamous chicken dance. outside the second floor lift. luckily, it was at 5p.m. that they did this. haha.
*ey, what is Cheryl doing there?
Officially Certified Chick Magnet.
lemme warn you, this post is rated R 21.
whooo hoo! had a crazy night at M.O.S.
haha. went with Brandon and Ken. was a fun night.
we went at 10.30. haha. before 10.30 is cheaper ma. haha. like cheapos sia. hehe.
saw shanzhi there. envy him sia. every night can see pretty girls. =D haha.
the overall was quite nice la. not bad. the whole experience wasn't too bad either, even though I only managed to hook up 2 girls.
we went to hunt around and look for preys, as usual. haha. Ken and Brandon was sort of dancing around and watching out for people, or girls, rather. I took quite a while to warm up that night. but the first girl I met later proved that the wait was worthwhile. haha.
the guys in MOS are really very jia lat one. all like sickening despos. like shit.
anyway, so I was dancing dancing...
the first one offered herself to me when I was dancing behind her. hey. i did not do anything funny, can. haha.
haha. I guess putting on a smile while u're dancing and looking back at the girl with interest does help afterall. haha.
this girl was dancing and she accidentally bumped into me or something. she turned around and returned a smile. that was when everything started to go wrong. damn it.
she started dancing closer and closer. I guess Brandon and Ken noticed that we were practically like sticking to each other, man. she reached for my hands. and then put it around her waist. of course, we did some dirty pop dancing and such. then suddenly out of no where, her hands were already somewhere and getting naughty. damn it. i sense trouble.
somehow I panicked instead of getting high. haha. dunno why. jia lat sia. wonder what was she thinking, man. she didn't look drunk to me. but hell. it was really a once in a lifetime experience damn with this bomb. hehe. she was 'well - nutritioned' though. cos her waist felt flabby. hehe.
but her face quite nice sia. like in between pretty and cute. hehe. I guess everyone look handsome and pretty when the lights are dim and everything. hehe.
but the best thing is the butt! haha. I think Brandon and Ken really got jealous and they went to find some other prey as well. hehe. well, so I got stuck to the girl for about 5 minutes, i guess. her friends were all dancing with us. meanwhile I was like whoohooo. haha. hey. take note. my hands were only at the waist and hips, ok.
but after a while, I decided that, you know. it's time to let go. I dun wanna get too serious with this girl, man. so when this guy came over to dance with her, I was like, "ok, you can have my toy" kind of mentality. so i slowly drew away, but i could sense that she knows I'm moving away and she kinda like moved back to stick even closer.
however, could see that she felt uneasy when the guy tried to put his hands around her waist. It seemed to me like that guy was really desperate for her. haha. I guess she still likes me more. a lot more =D haha. what to do, I'm the chick magnet ma. haha~
eventually, I got out of the dance floor to get a drink and her friends followed. felt like offering her a drink and chat her out. but got no time. went to the toilet and came out to order drinks.
by the time I got back to where we were, she was already gone. then i went out to the trance area. but it was boring and filled with the oldies. haha. so we turned back.
I didn't even noticed the girl I danced with when she walked past me at the entrance until Ken told me, "hey, that's the girl you were dancing with just now". can't really remember her face, but lemme tell you. All guys would really wanna dance with her, man. haha. so i went out of the club to find her, but she was already gone. damn it. should have walked faster. hehe.
but it's ok. I thought the night is still young and ya. indeed I got another girl. hehe.
you gotta learn how to play the flirting game, man. or u're gonna lose out everytime. I guess that's what most guys dun know. they're just going all out to get the girl. even if it means that they'll probably have to try a million times before they finally succeed.
other than letting your body do the talking, you've got to have the eye contact. that's more important, I guess. flirting with the girl using ur eyes. well, can't blame you if ur eyes are as small as the Jay Chou's! haha. look at her and try to use ur eyes to tell her, "come to me, baby. and you'll have a memorable night."
ok. I supposed Ken and Brandon still manage to get their girls in the end. hehe. not bad la. I guess everyone's a winner last night. =)
then we went to mac for some drinks, and went back in Brandon's car. hehe.
looking forward to the next outing at Zouk. hehe.
BugisRight. can't believe I'm typing this in the middle of the night, struggling to stay awake.
yes, Shack. it's the only word that can describe my situation now. everything just seems so blur.
Went out with Ken today to Bugis. walked around for quite a while. we knew that there was no hope in finding a clubbing shirt for him at Bugis Seiyu or Parco Junction. so we headed straight to the Bugis Street for some real big time shopping after Derrick Sir drove us there.
Right. So we went to Bugis street. go to the stall that I went yesterday. I told this young lady that I had came yesterday and wanted to look for the XXL shirt. she was on the platform, *because all stalls are sort of "elevated" off the ground at Bugis street, is you don't know" then immediately she bent down in front of me to pick up the shirt that was in a bag on the ground, *I think she forgot that she was wearing a V - neck.* so ya. ZG la. dunno if Ken saw it anot. I damn Paiseh sia. face red.
then while Ken was changing, she ask me if I'm feeling very hot. I say ya lor. weather so hot, even face also red. dunno what to say sia. haha~
but anyway, Ken cannot fit into that tiny weenie little XXL shirt.
so we went around, trying to find clothes. but no use. all the shops didn't have his size, even if have, only until XXL.
but we decided not to give up. so we combed the whole of Bugis Street. twice.
well, sort of twice la. but still cannot find. Ken was so "Pek Cek" that he just went to the shop and then blurted, "Auntie,
有没有大件的衣服?"so we decided to abandon Bugis, Go Queensway Shopping Centre instead.
so ya. went to Queensway.
it was a mixture of fun, joy, laughter, puke and a lot of ogling at pretty girls. haha~
fun, cos we had a lot of fun trying to figure out which shop had the size which fits him. of cos, same thing, we were trying to find the store which had nice shirts which fits him. finally we found one at the xiao mei mei's store. when we saw the S - XXXXXL sign we were so happy!
haha! ok. so it turned out that Ken didn't need that big size shirt after all. it's ok 4XL. <--- does this make it look smaller?
ok, so we went around la. not bad not bad. got see alot of sales girl quite pretty.
in particular got 2 la. Ken say got big eyes. I say got Big B***s. haha. i was referring to butts la. but ok la. not bad. girls with big eyes always gets alot of attention one. especially the first one we met. Remember, KEN? the one with EXCELLENT service attitude even though we didn't buy anything.
the second one was a bit shy la, dun dare to talk much. just mumble mumble. not quite sure what she was talking about also. haha!
anyway, to conclude. I finally understand the pain. the pain of unable to find the right clothes. Ken, dun worry. From today we can already see that there's a market for you.
u can set up a shop which manufactures big sized clothes. this market got potential. it's a business oportunity. haha~
if have the money we all go share share set up one shop. will be good. haha!
"No, No, It's okay" I told Miss Ngah when she apologised for posing a question in which my reply caused an uproar in the class.
Miss Ngah conducted a mock interview, with the class seated in a U-formation, then there's a chair in front. everyone would take turn to go up and face the "panel" to answer questions, just like in an interview situation.
when asked, "Are you able to work overtime?" in a mock interview situation, I said ya. then i added, because I do have anyone to spend my free time with.
dunno why I said that, but.
ya, i said it.
then Miss Ngah asked again, so do u mean, if u have a girlfriend, you will not be able to do so?
I said no, because I'll be so used to the fact that I have been working overtime so much that I am used to it.
I saw nothing wrong with it what.
In fact, I thought it was perfectly fine.
but the whole class started to shoot question. like feeling very offended, what what what...
like as if i am void of feelings.
I felt like shit.
I told my friend about it.
and his reply?
"Fuck you la. Ask them all eat shit. If no job, how to support your girlfriend or loved one? eat shit is it? shit is free. and talk is cheap." if love can be depended on, everyone would be eating shit now.
somehow I felt great, cos he voiced out what I was thinking.
but I dun blame anyone. things just didn't turn out fine. I felt like.....
It felt like they were imposing their current situation on me.
they all have a boyfriend, who somehow loved them so much.
so I guess u can see the difference between an attached person and a single person.
but let me tell you this.
I dun really believe that love will last forever.
that's my viewpoint.
prove me wrong.
if YOU can do it.
so what.
even people who has been married for so many years can divorce, so what is your menial 2 year-old relationship.
it's nothing.
all it needs is just one wrong decision.
and then u'll understand the pain.
the pain....
of losing someone u love.
and YOU!
will NEVER understand my pain.
even as tears filled my eyes. I swear I won't cry.
I've realised how desensitised I've became after I broke up with her, so long ago.
I don't know if it is a disease.
But I feel terrible.

whoo~ it was a hot dog fun-filled night at Kopi on the Saturday night out. right. we'll be going clubbing on one of these weekeneds, babe. haha~
Ken say wanna go buy clothes for clubbing. mmm~ dunno where to buy. I think Queensway should have. can wear funky funky. good for him. haha~ finally! can go somewhere different alr. Kopi getting more and more boring liao. finally we're going somewhere. but that's going to happen like in a few weeks time. hehe.
but still I look forward to it.
hope everyone will enjoy ourselves on that night. haven't really gone clubbin with all my buddies together at one time =D
hee~ Brandon will be going also. so I think he will drive us la.
would be good lo. hehe.
well, well. just uploaded my photos haha~
oh yes, I left out one.
the one below is one that I have taken when I was at the library yesterday. this pair of bastard and bitch was at the library having a whale of a time, oblivious to the others around them.
the public display of affection and they were talking to each other most of the time. totally immersed in a world of their own. damn.
I hate people who are like that. INCONSIDERATE bunch.
below is the picture of the two of them in the bottom left corner. maybe u can take their faces and photoshop into some porn site or wat. they deserve it.