Is crime rate really lower? Or is more youths getting getting away scot-free? food for thought.
Personally, I think the situation has not changed much.

I thought this was funny...

Try googling for "Miserable Failure".
The top three results will be George W. Bush.
haha. so funny.

was browsing thru' friendster when I saw this pic. Whoo! She's hot. haha. But she's lesbian. anyway. I was looking online for an article that I have written in to TODAY. then cannot find. but I found the ad of SP. and I thought she's hot. so then again, Print Sreeen! haha.

Oh yes, there's another column I saw after I signed out of my hotmail. It has my name on it. haha.

It was with utter disgust that filled me as I went through the article. What upsets me was that the vice - principal of the junior college in question had serious misconceptions about poly education.
I mean, I have been receiving quality education that has made me a more complete individual and an independent adult. Polytechnic education has its own benefits which Junior Colleges can never provide and I believe likewise for Junior Colleges can provide education in a manner that Polytechnics can never give.
The ultimate difference is that both are providing post - secondary education, each has their own benefits. I never understood why, there are still people who holds this misconception.
In fact, look at the statistics now, Polytechnics are getting students with lower cut-off points and with these elites going into polytechnics and there are already courses in the Polytechnic that has to expand classes to take in more people.
If the elites are going into polytechnics, no pun intended, but there has to be some other places where the "fools" would have to go to.
As an intern now in a well-known company, I am grateful for the chance that I have been given to learn the ropes of the industry and having colleagues who are friendly and understanding.
If I had gone on to Junior College, I might have acquired a whole new set of skills, maybe.
I thought the sentence "any fools could make it into Poly" would come from one that is ignorant and lowly - educated. One who is inexperienced and pathetic. However, I was utterly shocked to see that this had actually come out from the mouth of a vice - principal of a junior college.
I think this particular person in question has a serious prejudice towards polytechnic students and should never be given the position that he or she is holding. I do not believe that all the teachers in school has gone through Junior College education and that no teachers in school had undergone Polytechnic education.
This blog post was not written with any intention of a malice.
I wish I can recite this pledge one day.
OCS, here I come! haha. (Come already might not be able to enter also.)
What if, when I ask if I can enter, and then the guard says, "Can I say 'NO'?"

Look at this. NYP got new course to promote Interactive and Digital media.
I guess they should, after all their Tammy video was such a success.